how to earn through e-commerce. tips and tricks
Facebook Marketplace, where you can buy and sell stuff right in your neighbourhood. Whether you're cleaning out your closet or searching for something special, Facebook Marketplace makes it easy to link and engage with local buyers and sellers. It's like a virtual garage sale where you can find prominant deals and make some extra cash.
e-commerce platform can be defined as software like Shopify, Amazon, WooCommerce, or AliBaba that helps and enhances the trading process of buying and selling over the internet.
As our online world keeps growing and changing, different kinds of e-commerce have appeared. They're like different flavors of how businesses and people interact online. Each type is designed for specific situations, what people like, and the needs of different industries. So, whether you're a shopper or a business owner, e-commerce has a variety of styles to suit everyone's taste
it is an easy way of buying and selling things. Instead of going to a physical store, people use websites and apps like Shopify, Amazon, and many other platforms. Several key components define the landscape of e-commerce: